Wendigo is here!

June 22, 2018

Today (6/22/2018) is the day! The stand-alone release of Wendigo goes live today. If you pre-ordered the novella, I appreciate it! (And now you can download it!)

If you were waiting on the actual release, please take a look:

Amazon: https://ehv4.us/4wendigo

iBook: https://ehv4.us/4wendigoibook

Nook: https://ehv4.us/4wendigonook

Kobo: https://ehv4.us/4wendigokobo

Google: https://ehv4.us/4wendigogoogle

I hope you enjoy it!

Since I’ve got your attention… I’d like to announce the pre-order and release date for Rooms of Ruin! The release date is Friday, July 13, 2018. That’s right, Friday the 13th! Muhuhahaha!

The pre-order is available now on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo, and Google markets and should be available on iBook within the next couple of days. To grab your copy, visit:

Amazon: https://ehv4.us/4roomsofruin

Nook: https://ehv4.us/4rornook

Kobo: https://ehv4.us/4rorkobo

Google: https://ehv4.us/4rorgoogle

And when available:

iBook: https://ehv4.us/4roribook