2019 Publishing Schedule
June 17, 2019

Since everyone knows that June 17th is the best day to lay out a schedule for any given year, that's what I'm doing. Well, that's a lie. I did it on Saturday, which was June 15th, but it's okay because that's the second best day to lay out your schedule for the current year.
Yeah. Also, this is just a schedule of publication (sorry if you were interested in when I'm going to the doctor next).
I've got nine books for you. Nine, not nein.
In accordance with my "Once and Future Publishing Plan," I've broken Demon King into two smaller novels and them's are the firstest books coming down the pipe. Following those two are seven bundles of goodness--the balance of both The Bloodletter Saga and The Bloodletter Collections. To recap in case you missed that post, I'm going to offer both shorter chunks and longer chunks (but 100% the same content). The short chunks will be novels around 250-400 pages and the long chunks will be collections of short chunks. Take Demon King, for example. It's a "collection" made up of Nightmare and Blackened, but no matter if you read Demon King or Nightmare and Blackened, either path has the same story.
So, without further muddying-ing of the waters, here's the schedule:
Nightmare, Book One of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: June 28, 2019 -- Preorder: https://ehv4.us/4nightmare
Blackened, Book Two of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: July 12, 2019 -- Preorder: https://ehv4.us/4blackened
Wrecker, Book Three of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: July 28, 2019 -- Preorder: https://ehv4.us/4wrecker
Black Swan, Book Four of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: August 30, 2019 -- Preorder: Beginning of July
The Hag, Book Two of The Bloodletter Collections
Release: September 6, 2019 -- Preorder: https://ehv4.us/4thehag
Blackest Crow, Book Five of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: September 27, 2019 -- Preorder: Beginning of August
Nightshade, Book four of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: October 25, 2019 -- Preorder: Beginning of August
Harvester, Book four of The Bloodletter Saga
Release: November 29, 2019 -- Preorder: Beginning of September
Our Lady Chaos, Book Three of The Bloodletter Collections
Release: December 6, 2019 -- Preorder: Beginning of September
So, there you have it! Mark your calendars and tell your friends 🙂