Snail’s Pace
August 5, 2022

The last time I wrote one of these posts was July 2020. For those who haven't seen these Hank & Jane IRL posts before, I'm Melissa aka Supergirl and I'm Erik's wife of 21 years. He gave me the Supergirl moniker after he got sick with Rheumatoid Arthritis and I needed to take on most of the things. He can say it better than me because, well, he's a writer and I am most assuredly not! I write software so most of these posts will be pretty short and if I could get away with it, I'd write them in pseudocode.
The last post way back there in July 2020 had me working from home and 'social distancing' like the rest of the planet. Our son was going into his senior year of high school and Erik was publishing his 10-book Urban Fantasy series, Claw & Warder.
We knew that once our son graduated that we wanted to move but we weren't sure where yet so in early summer 2021 with our vaccines secured and our son's diploma in hand, we planned a road trip to visit different areas to see where we might move to when the time came. The trip meandered through the eastern side of the United States with our destination being Erik's parent's house for a long overdue visit. We saw some nice places, spent time with them and then we headed back home. On our way home, we found the lake we think we'll eventually settle near. I say 'eventually' because we both came to the conclusion that we needed to be closer to family than we originally thought. We knew we would all benefit from it.
When we got back home from our trip, it was a blur for the next few months. We got our house listed and sold and a new one purchased by mid-September and we were all moved in by October 1, 2021. In the space of about 3 months we sold a house, bought a house and moved cross-country. As you can tell, we usually don't mess around once we have made a decision!
I hope you enjoy these posts and I'll try to make them more consistently. Feel free to drop me a line at supergirl@erikhenryvick.com
P.S. This post is way longer than most will be - I had 2 years to brew it after all 🙂
About Hank and Jane IRL
I asked Supergirl if she would write a few blog posts about our real lives. We’re calling it Hank and Jane IRL, and if you don’t get the Hank and Jane reference, you need to read the Blood of the Isir series. 🙂