A terrifying new series from David Viergutz!

January 11, 2022

You remember David Viergutz? The new horror author who ran the big contest over Halloween that featured Wrath Child as one of the prizes? He's got a new series out, and I thought you might like to repay his generosity by giving it a look!

What kind of evil does it take to haunt a church?

John is trapped in a waking nightmare. Fired. Discredited. Buried under his mortgage and isolated in a west-Texas ghost-town. And it gets worse. A ghostly image of an old church haunts his dreams and plagues his waking hours. It’s behind every ridge and out every window, reminding him of his plight and calling for him to return…

What readers are saying:
“Straight from supernatural”
“Read at night, alone. I dare you.”
“This is the stuff of nightmares”

Today you can grab the series starter, Cracked Alter: St. Andrew's for just $0.99! Check it out: https://ehv4.us/4viergutz