At long last… A NEW CLAW & WARDER!
October 22, 2021
Greetings, coffee-drinkers (and everyone else)!
At long last, I have a new book out: Where the Wild Things Aren't: CLAW & WARDER Episode 10, and it's live on Amazon -- and only $0.99 for a limited time. The blurb and link are below. It takes a lot to make a werewolf disappear…and it starts with a voice from the darkness and a bolt of lightning. When Dru drops by before work, she finds Leery's apartment standing open, the doors scorched, but of Leery there is no sign. It's a good thing she has friends in the NYPD and the CBI, not to mention family in Gehenna. Forensic evidence points to the workings of a magister of significant power, but Leery isn't exactly an angel, so narrowing down the suspect list is daunting. To make matters worse, not even Lucifer can locate Leery. But Dru and the rest of Leery's friends are motivated… Can Leery's troop of powerful friends help fill the space left Where the Wild Things Aren't? Grab your copy for just $0.99 for a limited time: https://ehv4.us/4cw10
EARLY REVIEWS: "After a nice dinner party that Leery hosted for Dru and her family, and his friends, Leery decided let them go home. He and Dru would clean up in the morning. Shortly thereafter, there was a knock on his door. He thought it was Dru, but, alas, it was not. With a swoosh and a crackle, Leery disappeared. No one knew what happened. No one heard from him. Everyone was upset. The uproar, the search, and all the repercussions kept me glued to my seat and my eyeballs to the page. Erik has done it once again. I think this is his best of the series so far and I can't wait for the next book. It is well worth the read. You have to experience this book. It's great." "Leery has disappeared and all Dru can find is scorch marks and undetermined magical residue. Who took him and why? The suspect list is long and daunting. Great story. I love these crazy characters!" "I love this series.. imaginative stories, vivid characters.. highly recommend." "I don’t know how Vick does it. Every book is better than the last. In Episode 10, Where The Wild Things Aren’t, Dru and the entire NYPD, supernatural and mundane alike, face the most baffling case yet. Leery Oriscoe has been mysteriously kidnapped. In fact, thousands have been kidnapped, both civilians and cops, all in a single night. Who could have pulled off this caper? How did they do it? The portal residues left at the crime scenes are a seemingly impossible mix of magics, unseeable in full by all, even the Lords and Ladies of Gehenna. How can that be?? We meet more SIS (Supernatural Investigations Squad) cops, more supernatural races (of course), and Special Agent Regina Deal and Special Agent Bryant Wheelbarrowx make a brief cameo. We are also treated to the most epic showdown in the entire series, harkening back to the great battle scenes of The Blood of the Isir series, and perhaps the sweetest legal maneuver ever that thwarts a threat that the accused might walk free. Oh, and Dru shows off her, um, talent, and demonstrates that she is truly Drusilla bat Agrat, Heir to the Throne of Gehenna, Thundering Angel of Righteous Wrath, Seductress, Desolator, Caller of Demons, Cold Caress of Darkest Night, Mistress of Runes, She of the Great and Terrible Name. (shudder x2.) C&W 10, Where The Wild Things Aren’t, is perfect for fans of urban fiction, supernatural beings, Law and Order (DUN DUN), humor or even just coffee. (Although that’s a little in short supply here. Poor Leery. He’ll recover.)"