Christmas Surprise

December 13, 2018

The one and only time I have ever really surprised Erik with a gift was back in Christmas 2012. He usually can guess what gifts he is getting but this one was a complete surprise. He was struggling with being newly disabled and the days dragging on and on. I found this guitar kit and got a slide and a Chord Buddy to make it easier to play.

When the big box arrived, I quickly put it in the basement until Christmas Day. I let our then 9-year-old son in on it and he kept the secret really well. Erik couldn’t get over the fact that he was truly surprised.

If you have a surprise gift that you gave or received, comment about it on this post on Facebook or Twitter.


About Hank and Jane IRL

I asked Supergirl if she would write a few blog posts about our real lives. We’re calling it Hank and Jane IRL, and if you don’t get the Hank and Jane reference, you need to read the Blood of the Isir series. 🙂